I know I haven't been updating this blog lately because I have no ROM hack ideas and I've been keeping myself busy with my drawings. I've been spending most of my time not only on deviantART, but converting my art blog to a Tumblr kind. Yep, I have a Tumblr blog and I thought that I would never need it, but... Tumblr has more features and people compared to Blogger. A true calling is just lying ahead of me, so I must go on and give it a rest from ROM Hacking.
ROM Hacking is the art of modifying an old video game (i.e. Super Mario Bros. and Sonic The Hedgehog) with a hint of you're imagination. I, too, have that talent which you can see in this blog. My name is Kristian Vasquez and I like to make ROM Hacks. I even find ROM hacks by other people and edit the flaws they left unchanged or incorrectly changed so they're properly developed. Tell me what you think!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Diamond Dog is here!
Download it here!
This is what I've been working on. I managed to ponify Donkey Kong into something I had in my mind. It was worth the wait! If you have any suggestions that I should be concerned about, comment below.